#Climate Change

Alpine Agriculture And Climate Change

Alpine Agriculture and climate change impact on farmers has been devastating worldwide

Kathmandu, Nepal – Alpine Agriculture and climate change impact on farmers has been devastating worldwide, including one woman in Nepal named Sita Karki, whose cash crop yield has declined sharply over the past few years due to unpredictable weather patterns and rising temperatures.

“I used to rely on my cash crop, which is maize, to support my family and pay for my children’s education,” says Karki. “But now, the yields are much lower, and I struggle to make ends meet.”

According to Dr. Arun Bhakta Shrestha, the regional program manager for the Adaptation to Change Programme at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), climate change is already affecting crop production in many parts of the world, and it is projected to have even more significant impacts in the coming decades. “Climate change is causing changes in temperature, rainfall, and extreme weather events, which are significantly affecting agriculture,” says Dr. Shrestha.

The effects of climate change are not limited to Nepal. In many other parts of the world, farmers are also feeling the impacts of rising temperatures and unpredictable weather. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), climate change could reduce crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa by up to 20% by 2050, which could lead to food shortages and higher prices for consumers.

“Climate change is a significant threat to global food security, and farmers are on the front lines of this crisis,” says Dr. Agnes Kalibata, the special envoy for the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit.

Despite the challenges, Karki remains optimistic and is exploring new ways to adapt to the changing climate. “I’m trying to plant crops that are more resistant to heat and drought,” she says. “I’m also experimenting with new techniques to conserve water and soil.”

Karki’s story is a stark reminder of the urgent need to address climate change and its impacts on agriculture. With more extreme weather events and rising temperatures expected in the coming years, it is essential to support farmers like Karki and find new ways to adapt to the changing climate.

“We need to take action now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the impacts of climate change,” says Dr. Shrestha. “We also need to invest in research and development to help farmers adapt to the changing climate and build more resilient agricultural systems.”

The Alpine Agriculture and climate change impacts is real, and it is affecting the lives of millions of farmers worldwide. The time to act is now.