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How a Florida Professor Broke World Record for Living Underwater

Read about how a Florida Professor Broke World Record by living more than 74 days underwater in Key Largo, Florida, and he is not done yet.

A Florida professor broke world record for living underwater for over two months, leaving many wondered how it would be like to live underwater for months. He has done that, breaking the world record in the process.

Dr. Joseph Dituri, a biomedical engineer and associate professor at the University of South Florida, has spent more than 74 days living in an underwater habitat in Key Largo, Florida, and he is not done yet. He plans to stay there for at least 100 days as part of his research project called Project Neptune 100.

What is Project Neptune 100?

Project Neptune 100 is an ambitious scientific endeavor that aims to study how the human body and mind adapt to living in extreme environments. Dituri, who also goes by the nickname Dr. Deep Sea, is interested in how long-term exposure to high pressure, low oxygen, and isolation affects his health and well-being. He is also conducting experiments on marine life and coral reefs, as well as teaching his online classes from his underwater home.

The Florida professor broke world record is living in Jules’ Undersea Lodge, a small room that sits at the bottom of a 30-foot-deep lagoon in the Florida Keys. The lodge, which is named after Jules Verne, the author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, is the first and only underwater hotel where scuba diving is the only way to get to your room. The lodge is filled with compressed air to prevent it from flooding and has a microwave, a fridge, a TV, and a phone.

Dituri began his journey on March 1st, 2023, and broke the previous world record for the longest time spent living underwater without depressurization on May 15th. The record was held by two American biologists, Bruce Cantrell and Jessica Fain, who spent 73 days in the same lodge in 2014. Dituri announced his achievement on his Instagram account, where he has been documenting his experience with photos and videos.

Why is this important?

Dituri’s project is not only a personal challenge but also a valuable contribution to science and education. By living underwater for such a long time, he is providing data and insights that could help future explorers and astronauts who may face similar conditions in space or other planets. He is also inspiring students and learners of all ages to pursue their curiosity and passion for discovery.

Dituri said that his goal from day one has been to inspire generations to come and scientists around the globe who study life undersea and how the human body functions when in extreme environments. He also said that he misses the sun and looks forward to returning to the surface on June 9th, when he will undergo a series of medical tests to learn more about his body’s reaction to his underwater stay.

Dituri’s project is not only impressive but also unprecedented. He is showing us what humans are capable of when they push their limits and follow their dreams. The Florida professor broke world record is also reminding us of the beauty and mystery of the underwater world that we often take for granted or neglect. The professor is truly a pioneer and an inspiration for anyone who loves science and adventure.

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