Explore the endangered culture of the Kalash people in Pakistan's Hindu Kush mountains. Discover their unique origins, rich traditions, and the challenges

The Kalash: An Endangered Culture in Hindu Kush

By Mubina Parveen The Kalash are an isolated South Asian population of Indo-European speakers dwelling in the Hindu Kush mountain valleys in the northwestern part of Pakistan, close to the Afghanistan border. They represent a religious minority with novel and rich cultural practices which recognize them from the encompassing population. As their number is continually […]

Image of Gilgit serena hotel, which has the newly appointed General Manager of North Serena Hotels Gilgit-Baltistan.

Gilgit Serena Hotel gets new GM

Gilgit Serena Hotel has appointed Faisal Qayyum Khan as the General Manager for Gilgit-Baltistan, a picturesque region in northern Pakistan known for its breathtaking mountain ranges. The luxury hospitality brand Gilgit Serena Hotel has a strong presence in the region, and the North Serena Hotels Gilgit-Baltistan is one of its most prestigious properties. Faisal brings […]

A panoramic view of the city of Jerusalem with its iconic landmarks, including the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall in the Palestine Cities

Palestine Cities: A Window into a Rich Cultural Heritage

Palestine is a land of immense historical and cultural significance, dotted with cities that have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the passing of empires, and the struggles of a people to assert their right to self-determination. From the bustling metropolis of Jerusalem to the sleepy towns of Jenin and Tulkarm, Palestine cities offer […]