
Modelling in Pakistan: Female Plight

Pakistani female models pose for photograph, representing the challenges and empowerment in the modelling in Pakistan.

Modelling in Pakistan isn’t easy as women here face many challenges and barriers to their social, political and economic empowerment. One of the fields where women are often discriminated against, harassed and exploited is modelling. In this article, we will explore the plight of female models in Pakistan, the factors that contribute to their vulnerability and the possible solutions to improve their situation.

What is modelling?

Modelling is a profession that involves posing for photographs, videos, advertisements, magazines, fashion shows or other media to display clothes, accessories, cosmetics or other products. Modelling can be a lucrative and glamorous career for some women, but it can also be a risky and stressful one for many others.

What are the challenges faced by female models in Pakistan?

Female models in Pakistan face many challenges that affect their personal and professional lives. Some of these challenges are:

  • Lack of education and awareness: Many female models in Pakistan come from poor and uneducated backgrounds, where they have limited access to quality education and information. They may not be aware of their rights, legal protections, health issues or career opportunities. They may also lack the skills and confidence to negotiate contracts, fees or working conditions with clients or agencies.
  • Social stigma and harassment: Female models in Pakistan are often stigmatized and harassed by society for their choice of profession. They may face criticism, insults, threats or violence from their families, relatives, communities or religious groups who consider modelling as immoral, indecent or un-Islamic. They may also face sexual harassment, exploitation or abuse from their co-workers, employers, clients or media personnel who may take advantage of their vulnerability or coerce them into compromising situations.
  • Lack of regulation and protection: Female models in Pakistan work in an unregulated and informal sector, where they have no legal recognition or protection. They may not have contracts, insurance, social security or labour rights. They may not have access to safe and decent working environments, health care or counselling services. They may not have any representation or union to voice their concerns or grievances. They may also face discrimination or violence from law enforcement agencies who may harass them for bribes or arrest them on false charges.

What are the possible solutions to improve the situation of female models in Pakistan?

Female models in Pakistan deserve respect, dignity and empowerment as any other profession. Some of the possible solutions to improve their situation are:

  • Education and awareness: Female models in Pakistan need access to quality education and information that can help them improve their knowledge, skills and confidence. They need to be aware of their rights, legal protections, health issues and career opportunities. They need to be trained on how to negotiate contracts, fees and working conditions with clients or agencies.
  • Social acceptance and support: Female models in Pakistan need social acceptance and support from their families, relatives, communities and religious groups who can respect their choice of profession and protect them from stigma and harassment. They need positive role models and mentors who can inspire them and guide them in their career paths. They need networks and platforms where they can share their experiences and challenges with other female models.
  • Regulation and protection: Female models in Pakistan need regulation and protection from the government and civil society that can recognize and formalize their profession. They need contracts, insurance, social security and labour rights. They need access to safe and decent working environments, health care and counselling services. They need representation or union that can voice their concerns or grievances. They need protection from law enforcement agencies that can respect their dignity and ensure their safety.

Modelling is a profession that can offer women opportunities for creativity, expression and empowerment. However, female models in Pakistan face many challenges that undermine their potential and well-being. By addressing these challenges through education, awareness, acceptance, support, regulation and protection, we can improve the plight of female models in Pakistan and enable them to pursue their dreams with dignity.